
Robotic Process Automation: Modernizing and Integrating with an Industry-Specific ERP with RPA & RabbitMQ

Robotic process automation
So, how can Robotic Process Automation benefit you? Like many industries, farm equipment isn’t exactly like every other industry in the country. They use a custom industry ERP, not SAP or Oracle. And they don’t have APIs written for a lot of what we needed to access for the client – like inventory, parts, and leases.
In addition, they didn’t have ports available for us to access. To solve the issue, we created an RPA (Robotic Process Automation) that allowed us to access this information and to be able to put it into the message queue, and get information back and forth even though it was not available through their DIS system.

More on RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Traditionally, we could connect to some of the data through the back-end system through APIs in the database. When that is not available, how do you do it? You mimic the user. The user goes in and pulls the information manually and that is what RPA does. It is a Robotic Process Automation of what the user would do on the keyword and pulls the information that way.

We have done this for a lot of customers with similar problems. We pull everything we can by API but we don’t stop at the API layer when it comes to integration. If the client needs more information, we help pull the information via this RPA so there’s really no system that we can’t fully integrate in your environment.


Messaging queuing with RabbitMQ also makes it a whole lot easier. Once we have a hold of the information, we aren’t rebuilding APIs into every single system. We’re able to deliver it directly. A lot of benefits that we bring to bear are unique to the way we do things and the partnerships that we put together. More on RabbitMQ here.

About Bane-Welker Equipment

Bane-Welker is a 100% employee-owned distributor of farm equipment based in Indiana with locations in Ohio. They offer a wide range of affordable and high-quality farming equipment, including Farmall tractors, used combines, and Case IH parts. On-Farm or In-Shop Services, our technicians are extensively trained to service a broad line of machinery including Tractors, Combines, Headers, Planters, Sprayers, Tillage Equipment, Lawn Mowers.

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Based in the US, we have the B2X eCommerce solutions and services you need for your OmniChannel and shopping solutions. We are expert software integration specialists in building your platform, interconnecting all your data needs with a special focus on advanced predictive search and conversion on your site.
Our specialty is in the 3 pillars of online success: Commerce, Product Search, and Supply Chain Visibility. These 3 pillars provide an end-to-end look at the commerce value chain. We work with leading midsize and enterprise manufacturing and distribution companies on their B2X and digital transformation strategies, solution selections, and implementation.

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