
Data Management: Foundation for a Successful B2B eCommerce

What does data management mean to your B2B eCommerce? The descriptions, prices, part numbers and pictures are just the start of the kinds of data needed to manage in B2B. Without it there is no search, no inventory and no product to display. Sound extreme? Over 60% of B2B eCommerce companies will return a “null search” when someone types in a query looking for a product (unless it’s just the way an engineer would search). If it can’t be found it can’t be bought. One company only allows searches by their part numbers. How many new clients does that get them?

Everything we do in business today, no matter where you are business, in any industry, you have data collected which goes from analog to digital form. And don’t feel bad – everyone struggles to make sense of it all. Our goal at CSS Commerce is to help you provide better data. Data and the value of every digital transformative customer initiative of every service offering along with every implementation of enterprise software of any type is inextricably linked to the successful output of your data management program.

At CSS Commerce, we convert data into building blocks to deliver valuable insights amid the chaos. While there is so much information available, you may have great content, great products, but if people – your employees, your customers – don’t know or can’t find it easily, it won’t matter. Often, companies create silos, so departments like accounting, logistics, production may not communicate as freely as needed. What ultimately happens is that people don’t have a common understanding of everything that’s important to their business. In a time where management of the supply chain is imperative to the success of the business, silos create costly information vacuums. So how do you move from a legacy silo state into an integrated Enterprise? If you put the action on a grid, you take all of the most important things about your organization, about your business and put it at the center of what you do both strategically and systematically – most call this a Customer Relationship Centric 360. But how do get everyone on the same page?

We have two universal keys to success when it comes to data: Authenticated identity and Common Data Structure and Language. (In geek speak we call it Relational Keys and Master Data Taxonomy).

Authenticate the Identity

Whether it’s a product, whether it asks you, if it’s the customer, or a vendor, whatever those are – you need to be able to say ‘yes, this is the correct product’. It must be standardized throughout the business structure. This will greatly facilitate information sharing. It’s the key to unlock the door.

Create a Common Data Structure & Language

As you think about master data, reference data, metadata, or standardized data that you use across your organization, coming up with a standard common language for your brand, products, relationships will be key to better communication. With a common language, a product name and code remains consistent whether in finance or in the logistics department. In doing so, you begin to create a single source of truth. Data management is about managing the single source of truth: your data. Next we can derive a definition of our customer, a single hierarchy for your products, a real time definition of your supply chain, etc. Our goal is to grow, improve and protect your business – real data management does that efficiently and effectively.

Let’s discuss some data issues that need to be sorted out on your way to building a successful eCommerce platform. Master Data and a good Taxonomy will drive better search and higher margin sales.

SKU Product Descriptions

Incomplete descriptions, fragmented information, naming products known to buyers under a different name – all leads to chaos. Your eCommerce site needs to be able to bring it all together. Write the product descriptions as your buyer uses the product, include variations of the name, misspellings, common brand names that are equivalent, any kind of nicknames used for the product will help fill their cart much faster. Also include all options for individual size, pallets, shipping options, etc.

Kitting and Bundling of Products

Link all necessary and added-value products to create a turnkey kit for your customers. Save their time and money by kitting and bundling products. Be able to save orders that have been bundled and are repeatedly ordered or that come in a kit. Not only does this save time for buyers, but your warehouse and logistics people will also appreciate your efforts.

Cross-Selling Opportunities

Yes, present all possible products tied to this one product being selected! You might also think about secondary product lines that are not tied to the product but that can be substituted and upgraded. Even in B2B, we look for opportunities to showcase a new product, perhaps alongside their order as a ‘did you know’ option. This will also keep educating your customer on your product mix and services.

The reality of data is that great data is hard work, but once you do the work, your B2B eCommerce value skyrockets!

About CSS Commerce

CSS Commerce LLC is a leading, global innovator building complex e-commerce software with Product Information Management/Digital Asset Management/Master Data Management solutions. From Omni Channel to D2C, from Supply chain to B2B shopping solutions, CSS are specialists in providing the expertise on effective commerce for the midsize to the enterprise. In addition, we provide incredibly productive solutions around Web2Print and PWA. Our strategic partnerships complete our offerings with business process automation, AI, RPA, Quality management and supply chain software.

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